
Hi there, today we are going to do a little review on the adverbs because i think that is very important to have them in mind, therefore i looked for a webpage where i could refresh my thoughts about this and i found this excellent site, but first What is an adverb? As we already know, adverbs are this kind of words that modifies verbs, adjectives and sometimes it modifies other adverbs. I'm sure you may be wondering which are these words, well, let me tell you that they are classified by categories and all of them describe different aspects, as a matter of fact  adverbs often tell when, where, why, or under what conditions something happens or has happened.

If you have some troubles identifying adverbs...

Before we get really into it, you must know that adverbs might be kind of tricky because they frequently end in -ly; however, many words and phrases that  don't end in -ly serve an adverbial function, so keep in mind that an -ly ending is not a guarantee that a word is an adverb, as you can imagine i used to get confused trying to identify them, but since a checked the link above  i find it pretty much easier, so i would really suggest and highlight this aspect of the page.

Here are the categories i told you and some examples where the adverb is bolded:

Adverbs of Manner express how something is done.
   She moved slowly and spoke quietly.

Adverbs of Place tells where the action takes place.
   She has lived on the island all her life.
   She still lives there now.

Adverbs of Frequency as the name says, this adverbs state how frequently an action is done.
   She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
   She often goes by herself.

Adverbs of Time express when the action takes place
   She tries to get back before dark.
   It's starting to get dark now.

Adverbs of Purpose ( i didn't know about this) tell us why something happens.
   She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
   She shops in several stores to get the best buys.

Well that's all for today mates, don't hesitate to check the webpage it's pretty complete, i hope this information helps you as it helped me, by the way you'll find some quizzes  to practice at the bottom of the web page.
See ya!


  1. Hello Pinto
    Your blog was useful and funny at the same time, I liked the gifs. Well your blog help me to reinforce this topic, because I didn’t remember the types of adverbials.
    As you say in your post, there are words that end with “-ly” but they not always are adverbs, so, maybe you can show some words that are not adverbs and end with that structure?
    Thanks for the information! 😺

    1. Jajaja this is not Pinto´s, is Diego´s blog Karlita

  2. Hello, Diego I liked you considered to make a review about this important topic for us who are using every day English rules. I learned with your post that not all adverbs en in -ly, but some of the words that end like this are adjectives; we have to have in mind what kind of part of Speech the word is modifying in order to know if it is an adverbs or another part. I have question for your post, "can I have a frequency adverb describing a manners adverb?

  3. Hi Diego Pinto, I liked your post, but more the gif in there jaja.
    As you said, it was a review and it was very complete.
    On a example you said " She has lived on the island all her life.
    She still lives there now." but you didn´t said what kind of Adverb was, I think it of place, but I´m not sure.
    Greetings :)


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