Coordination Vs Subordination


  1. Hello Diego!
    I really liked your explanation, because is very specificic and easy to understand:)
    But now, I have a question, when do we use those themes?

  2. Hello Diego :D

    I really liked you post, it was pretty nice and important, because it has help me to reinforce my learning to know the differences between the coordination and subordination.
    but know i have a little doubt, Are there some clauses that can act as coodinate and subordiante at the same time?

  3. Wow, Diego you did a wonderful audio. What I learn is that the difference between subordonating and coordinating conjunctions is that coordinating conjunctions joint two main sentences; while the subordinating conjunctions joints a main clause and a subordinate clause. I really liked also the web page that you share because ithe contains good examples of this topic. Thank you!!! I just have a question, can we use some coordinating conjunctions as subordinating conjunctions sometimes or not?

  4. Hello Diego I appreciate you help in explaining us the difference between coordinate and subordinate conjunctions. I like you audio because you explained it very great. You helped me to understand better the difference between both conjunctions. When we use a coordinate conjunction is because we are using compound sentences and when we use a subordinate conjunction is because we are using complex sentences. I have a doubth. Do you know any easy way to memorize the coordinate conjunctions? Thank you.

  5. I really like your audio!!

    I understood that when we use the subordinate conjunctions is because we are writing complex sentence as well!!

    but, How can I use those sentences in an informal conversation without I sound Ilike a technician?


  6. Thanks Diego for your information, very detailed and I know we will put it very in practice. now I understand very well the use of Subordination and coordination conjuntion ...


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